REVIEW: ZeroBounce (2023)

ZeroBounce is an email validation service

ZeroBounce is a email validation service that helps businesses improve the accuracy of their email lists and protect their sender reputation. It can be used to validate the format, domain, and syntax of an email address, as well as check if the email is a valid mailbox that is currently in use.

ZeroBounce can also detect if an email address is associated with a temporary, disposable, or spam trap domain, and flag it as a potentially risky or invalid email. 

By using ZeroBounce, businesses can improve the deliverability of their emails, reduce bounced emails and spam complaints, and protect their sender reputation.

What is ZeroBounce?

ZeroBounce is an email validation and verification service that helps businesses ensure that the email addresses they have collected are accurate and deliverable. 

It helps companies improve their email deliverability rate by identifying and flagging invalid, inactive, or disposable email addresses, so that they can be removed from email lists.

ZeroBounce uses a combination of automated and manual processes to check the validity of an email address. When an email address is submitted for verification, ZeroBounce checks for syntax errors, verifies the existence of the domain, checks for any potential bounces or blocks, and checks if the email address is disposable.

If the email address passes all of these checks, it is considered to be valid and deliverable. If any issues are detected, the email address is flagged as invalid.

The accuracy of ZeroBounce depends on a variety of factors, including the quality of the email list being checked and the specific checks that are performed. In general, ZeroBounce claims to have a high level of accuracy, with a validation rate of over 95%. 

However, it is important to note that no email validation service can guarantee 100% accuracy, as the validity of an email address can change over time.

Features of ZeroBounce

ZeroBounce offers a range of features to help businesses improve the accuracy and deliverability of their email lists. Some of the main features include:

Email validation: ZeroBounce checks for syntax errors, verifies the existence of the domain, and checks for bounces or blocks to determine the validity of an email address.

Spam trap detection: ZeroBounce can identify email addresses that are used to catch spam, which can hurt a company's deliverability rate if they are not removed from the email list.

Disposable email detection: ZeroBounce can identify and flag disposable email addresses, which are temporary email accounts that are often used to sign up for services and then discarded.

Role-based email detection: ZeroBounce can identify and flag role-based email addresses, such as info@, support@, and sales@, which may not be associated with a specific individual.

Catch-all email detection: ZeroBounce can identify and flag catch-all email addresses, which are email addresses that accept all emails sent to a specific domain, regardless of whether or not they are valid.

Domain validation: ZeroBounce checks the domain of an email address to verify that it is registered and active.

Mailbox validation: ZeroBounce checks the mailbox of an email address to verify that it exists and is accepting emails.

IP address validation: ZeroBounce checks the IP address of an email address to verify that it is not on a list of known spamming IPs.

Custom lists: ZeroBounce allows businesses to create custom lists of email addresses to be checked, and provides bulk uploading and API integrations to make the process more efficient.

Real-time API: ZeroBounce offers a real-time API that allows businesses to validate email addresses in real-time as they are collected.

Data enrichment: ZeroBounce offers data enrichment services that can help businesses to gather additional information about their email contacts, such as their name, location, and social media profiles.

Who is Zerobounce for?

ZeroBounce is designed for businesses that want to improve the accuracy and deliverability of their email lists. 

It is particularly useful for companies that rely on email marketing as a key part of their marketing strategy, as it can help to improve the effectiveness of their campaigns by ensuring that their emails are being delivered to valid, active email addresses.

ZeroBounce can be used by businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. It is also suitable for a wide range of industries, including e-commerce, finance, healthcare, and more.

If you are a business owner or marketing professional who wants to improve the effectiveness of your email campaigns, ZeroBounce may be a good option to consider. 

It can help you identify and remove invalid, inactive, or disposable email addresses from your list, which can improve your deliverability rate and increase the return on your email marketing efforts.

ZeroBounce Pricing:

Pros and Cons

Here are some potential pros and cons of using ZeroBounce:


  1. Can help to improve email deliverability by identifying and correcting invalid or problematic email addresses
  2. Can detect spam traps and abuse complaints, which can help to protect the sender's reputation and avoid deliverability issues
  3. Provides a variety of email validation and verification services
  4. Offers real-time API integration
  5. Has a high level of accuracy


  1. It is a paid service, so there may be a cost associated with using it

  2. It may not be able to identify all invalid or problematic email addresses, so it is important to use it in conjunction with other email verification and validation techniques

  3. Some users may not like the idea of sending their email list to a third party for verification

  4. It's important to carefully consider the pros and cons of ZeroBounce, or any other email validation service, to determine whether it is the right fit for your needs.

Here are some commonly asked questions about Zerobounce:

How does ZeroBounce work?

ZeroBounce uses a variety of techniques to verify and validate email addresses, including checking the syntax of the address, verifying the existence of the domain, and checking for bounces, spam traps, and abuse complaints.

Is ZeroBounce accurate?

ZeroBounce claims to have a high level of accuracy in its email verification and validation services.

However, no email validation service can guarantee 100% accuracy, and it is important to use ZeroBounce in conjunction with other email verification and validation techniques to ensure the best possible results.

How much does ZeroBounce cost?

The cost of using ZeroBounce will depend on the volume of email addresses being checked and the specific features being used. ZeroBounce offers a variety of pricing plans, including pay-as-you-go and monthly subscription options. It is best to contact ZeroBounce directly for the most up-to-date pricing information.

Can I try ZeroBounce for free?

Yes, ZeroBounce offers a free trial that allows users to test out the service and see how it works. The trial includes 100 free email verifications, and users can upgrade to a paid plan if they wish to continue using the service after the trial period.

Is ZeroBounce GDPR compliant?

Yes, ZeroBounce is GDPR compliant. They have implemented appropriate measures to ensure that they handle personal data in a way that is consistent with the GDPR and other relevant privacy laws.


ZeroBounce have a average review of 4.7 stars out of 5 stars which shows that is a blest platform to use when it comes to email validation and verification for businesses

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